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Little Rockers Twickenham at Orleans Park School

An Unbeatable Introduction to playing Music For Ages 6-8

Little Rockers have two full hours of serious musical fun every week – it is so much more than a group of children hitting percussion instruments. During each 2 hour session your child will engage in structured lessons in drums, bass guitar, singing and movement. They will also enjoy games designed to improve their musical ability. 

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Every child enjoys four separate activities each week with our four specialist instructors - as well as playing live in a band with their friends at the end of the session!


Because the activities change during the two hours your children retain their focus for the full session. Both you and they will be surprised with what they are able to achieve.

At Little Rockers we use high quality instruments. There are never more than four children to each instructor. All our instructors hold music degrees and have enhanced DBS clearance.

This Term

Sunday  22nd September

to Sunday  8th December

Next Term

Sunday  12th January

to Sunday 30th March

Classes run for 12 consecutive weeks

- we never break for half-term.

Little Rockers 

Sundays  10am - 12am 


All Classes run for 12 consecutive weeks

We never break for Half-Term.

We also have Little Rockers in Kingston

Saturdays    9am-11am


Termly Fees

The fees for Little Rockers are £458 for 12 weekly two hour sessions, payable termly in advance.

A payment of £70 is required on application, covering the two x 2 hours trial session. If the student does not wish to continue you are committed to nothing more. We limit student numbers to four per instructor and will return the initial payment if we cannot offer a place. We ask for one months notice of intention to leave.


Brothers and sisters of existing students receive a 20% discount, whether they are in the Main School or in Little Rockers. The discount applies to the younger brother or sister only.

Principal: Alan Procter

Tel: 020 8819 9579

Orleans Park School

Orleans Park

Richmond Road



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